Few medical fields have had more success at returning quality of life to patients via recent technological and scientific advances than ophthalmology. Quality of life is directly linked to vision. Patients can give immediate feedback on visual impairment and success of treatment. This rewarding challenge is why I decided to pursue ophthalmology. Visual rehabilitation is the highest goal we can strive for in our profession and it is my personal goal for every patient.

With an appreciation for aesthetics I am enthusiastic about well-designed and architectured objects and buildings, be them items of daily life or luxury gadgets.

Capturing, sharing and preserving aesthetic moments is made possible by photography. I enjoy travelling looking out for a perfect ‘shot‘ that captures the moment – be it a calming instant of nature or the vibes of a pulsating city.

A perfectly brewed ‘shot‘ of espresso can also be both, aesthetic and an enjoyment of daily life.

On this note, I hope it is an enjoyment for you browsing my website.
